According to a news report by the NST, a reduction in software piracy to 50 per cent in three years could mean thousands of new jobs, millions in tax revenues and economic growth.
The study by International Data Corporation (IDC) said that Malaysia could look forward to about new 2,600 jobs, approximtatly US$660 million (RM2.1 billion) in economic growth and US$144 million more in tax revenues when its software piracy was reduced by half in 2011.
IDC is also of the opnion that reducing software piracy had a "multiplier effect" - for every US$1 spent on licensed software, an additional US$1.25 was spent on related services from local vendors like installing the software and maintenance services.
To reduce software piracy, the Business Software Alliance encouraged governments to update national copyright laws and implement the World Intellectual Property obligation.
Software and hardware retailers in Low Yat Plaza in KL and Digital Mall in PJ do not sell or install unlicensed sofware any longer. As orginal sofware is much too expensive for the average Malaysian, should the IDC give Malaysia, as a developing nation, a few more years leeway pertaining to software piracy, say until 2020 ? What do you think guys ?
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