Harian Metro has reported that whilst there are rumour concerning politicians seeking the help of bomohs for political purposes, these rumors appear to be true in light of certain "bomoh politik" admitting to having providing services to politicians.
Politician have sought the assistence of bomohs to ensure that they are selected as candidates by thier respective parties for the our 12th General Election.
A bomoh referred to only as Azli, 45 year-old, said that some politicians have made an appointment for his services as early as 6 months ago.
Azli said that it is better that an appoinment for his services is sought in advance as he could then make the necessary preparations by making available the ceremonial items and reserving appointment dates.
Azli add that politicians who sought his servies wanted him to do whatever it takes for them to win the elections and take take certain "precautionary measures" against the use of black magic by their enemies.
Azli says that he prefers working with his regular politician clients rather than new clients. His usual service methods for political candidates, he reveals, include the use of the "pelaris, penyeri wajah and pendinding" - these not only involve providing lucky chams and amulets, but also prayers and "mandi bunga".
He adds, "my services are meticulous done, I don't do provide shoddy services". He claims that it is difficult to deal with new clients as they want things done fast and he is unable to fulfill their unreasonable requests as these these things take time for preparation - it cannot be done in haste.
Business has been brisks for Azli since rumours of the general election was first initiated. Prior to this, Azli only had one assistant, now he has five.
According to Azli, he doesn't determine the price for this services, his clients decide on this. He admits that his clients are generaous and what they pay commensurates with the quality of his services.
"If they promise to give me an additional sum should they win, they will fulfull their promises", he adds. He also addmits that he has been given a piece of land by his client who won a seat in the last general election.
Another bomoh called Halim, 40 years-old, is also as busy as Azli as the general election looms near.
"Thus far, whist there are no potential candidates who have come to meet me personally, they have sent their representatives who have asked for 'pendinding and penyeri' for their politician bosses", says Halim. He adds that he doesnt really care about who comes and sees him as long as he makes a profit.
Halim says that usually he works alone, but now, he has two assistants due to the increased demand for his services.
"One assistant prepares the items for the amulets and oils for the 'pendinding and penyeri wajah' while the other assistant acts as a marketing personnel seeking clients by meeting with potential political candidates who might want the services of a bomoh", he explains.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chairman of the Association of Malay Traditional Medicine Malaysia, Mohd Salim Santhiman said that these issue of potential political candidates seeking the services of bomohs is not new.
Mohd Salim says that the politicians not only sought bomohs to win the election but for protection. "Who knows if there are enemies who intend to sabotage them by using black magic", he explains.
Read Part 2 here.
Related post: Black Magic And Superstition - Leaders and Victims
What do you think, guys ? Do you know of politicians seeking the services of bomohs or feng shui masters to enhance their political careers ? Please comment.
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