Sufiah (now 23), charges £130 (RM829) an hour as a prostitute operating in Manchester, England, a striking contrast to the many respectable career opportunities which are open to her, with her qualifications.
Sufiah's current choice of career was revealed by an undercover reporter whom she entertained in her flat.
According to the British tabloid, News Of The World, she apparently advertised her services on a hookers' website calling herself Shilpa Lee and describes herself as a "very pretty size 8, 32D bust and 5'5" tall—available for booking every day from 11am to 8pm.
Sufiah gained notority for the first time when she ran away from Oxford at 15. Her problems was apparently caused by her strict father. She wrote an email to sister complaining - "I've finally had enough of 15 years of physical and emotional abuse. You know what I am talking about."
He father is not without controversy. Last week, Farooq, 50, was sentenced to 18 months jail for sexually assaulting two 15 year-old girls he was private tutoring in maths. Prior to this, in 1992, Farooq was jailed three years in relations to a £1.5m mortgage swindle. At 19, Farooq was already a juvenile delinquent - he was sent to borstal (a youth prison in the UK) pertaining to a conspiracy involving £100,000.
Her profile is listed in UK Adult Zone - Manchester Escort Directory.
Read more here, here and here.
Read the related story of Asia Carrera.
Updated: Sufiah Gets Help From Pisang
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