According to The Star, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is expected to announce his new cabinet next week, possibly on Monday.
Badawi is apparently expected to reduce the number of minister posts after BNs shocking performance in the recent general elections.
The Star also reported sources saying that ministerial posts would be trimmed to correspond with the smaller BN representation in parliament - BN has now only 140 MPs compared to 198 MPs previously.
Previously there were 32 ministers, 39 deputy ministers and 20 parliamentary secretaries.
Badawi told Bernama that the new cabinet would still reflect the BN's power-sharing concept and will include all communities.
It will not be easy to reduce the number of ministers and other positions as accommodating the representatives of the 14-member coalition has always been a major factor for the BN.
Read the full story here.
What do you think ? Who will he select as ministers ? Will Khairy appointed a full minister ?
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