Hamidah, from Kampung Muhibah, Tapah, Perak, turned amateur treasure hunter when an Indonesian acquintence told her, sometime in December 2004, about the buried treasures at the back of her house.
Hamdiah explained that the Indonesian man acted as a medium and he required 6 others to participate in the ritual to cause the treasures to surface from the ground supernatually.
The ritual which lasted for 20 minutes after Maghrib prayers was participated by the 7 people including herself. They sat in a circle at the place where the treasures where ment to surface and chanted special prayers while the Indonesian medium led the ritual. The treasures were then gathered and put into several sacks, explained Hamdiah.
One of the 7 participants, Kamaluddin Mohd. Zain, 70, (picture above) confirmed that no black magic has been used for this process.
Historian Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Khoo Kay Kim, when asked about the treasures, said that it may have belonged to an ancient ruler of that area.
According to a National Museum curator, anyone who finds any old artefacts or treasures, in this country, must declare the findings with the National Heritage Department. Upon determining its value, the finder will be given an appropriate percentage of it. Failure to make such declaration, however, attracts a fine up to RM50,000 or jailed up to 5 years, or both.
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