You can buy a stun gun for just RM45 reports a local tabliod. The China made stun guns are sold openly in Kuala Lumpur from between RM45 to RM350. The expensive model costing RM350 can apparently kill an animal as large as a cow.
According to the retailer, customers buy stun guns to protect themselves and not usually to commit crimes. Of course, in the wrong hands, anything can be misused.
Stun guns work by administering an electric shock by direct contact. It merely stuns a person and does not cause serious bodily harm. Despite this, it is illegal to possess a stun gun in Malaysia under the Firearms Act.
In the US, you can purchase a handphone with stun gun capabilities for as little as US$50.
Please post your comments.
In Malaysia we need such devices to protect our self.The crime rate is very high,even at day time we need to be cautious because of these criminals bastards.
Our police cannot save guard everyone,even though they tried their level best.Our government must allow us to use stun guns for our self protections.We cannot say that this products will be used by criminals if we legalize the sale.We need to stop think negatively,this is because even the parang's,guns and other offensive products has been banned but they still manage to get it and using it to do criminal activities.
So i do strongly believe that this stun guns must be allowed to be used by the people for protection.
Criminal now are very daring and make easy prey on victims because they knew that we don't carry any self defense products and this make it easier for them.If everyone have this kind of products do you think criminal will act blindly or make an easy prey?I don't think so....it's time for us to fight the criminal rascals.
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