While women nationwide contemplate excitedly about what they're gonna do (or not do) on Valentine's Day, men like Ding Dong John (business card above) is busy taking advantage of the growing demand in Malaysian cities, like Kuala Lumpur, for male social escorts.
The business card says it all, "Spinsters satisfied. Virgins treated gently". Ding Dong John knows his market, he also expressly states that neglected wives will be given extra attention and his specialty are widows.
He also knows Malaysian women can be quite price sensitive sometimes, and are prone to bargain and demand discounts when the bill comes. To avoid this, he has listed the optional extras and the charges at the back of his business card (just like at the Mamak restaurants - Nasi Lemak biasa RM3.00, Nasi Lemak dengan ayam goreng RM5.50, Nasi Lemak dengan ayam goreng dan kari kambing RM8.00 ... etc).
The more you want, the more you pay. Sometimes, when you don't ask for the price beforehand, the total sum can be quite frightening. When you ask for the bill, "boss, kira !", don't complain saying, "I just ate Nasi Lemak ayam goreng (kecil punya) and a little bit of kari kambing...the fella also charged me RM8.00, not fair !".
Yes, apparently Malaysian women these days do pay for male social escorts but one wouldn't imagine that this practice will reach our shores this soon. But necessity has always been the mother of invention. In the Klang Valley, where there are 2 females for every male, being selective isn't a privedge for the average female. The more affluent but busy females have taken a more proactive attitude towards love and romance - cash & carry; just like buying something from Ikea.
This is nothing new, as in holiday destinations like Bali, it is not uncommon for single women of all nationalities to exercise their "women's rights" with their wallets - they willingly take on the local beach boys as short term lovers.
Next time, I'll tell you more about Ding Dong John but meanwhile, please post your comments.
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