I can imagine reading in the local newspapers - "Malaysian University ranked No. 1 in (a newly created local university / world ranking index)". Maybe this will be created in the very near future.
However, in the mean time, according to the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES)-Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings this year, no Malaysian universities have made it to the top 200 universities in the world. See Top Universities
UM - 246th spot this year
UM, which was ranked among the world's top 100 universities in 2004, was in 169th position in 2005 and 192nd spot in 2006.
UKM - 309 spot this year
UKM ranked 185th in 2005.
USM - 307th spot this year
USM was 8 in the 277th spot in 2006.
Read the full article in the NST here
It was usual for us to struggle to remain in the top 100. Now we are fighting to be within the top 200. Lets make things easy. Why not create our own university rankings ? That way, we can include criteria that other universities "cannot meet" (or don't bother to meet) thus come out tops - I'll leave this to your imagination...hahahaha
Well, we have already done this before. We have our own book of records - The Malaysian Book of Records and our own credit rating agency - Rating Agency Malaysia. Why not our own top university rankings ?
I propose it to be called, The Malaysian-Global University Rankings or The Malaysian Glocal University Rankings ?
I also propose that those who disgree with my suggestion be caught and forced to study (kite flying or top spinning) at a local university, for life. lol
Please post your comments. Tell me what you think ? please make it funny ;)
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