Harian Metro has reported that a man in his 50s from Kedah, claiming to be ‘Datuk’ and a royal pawang (witch doctor) has been cheating his victims by telling them that he could heal chronic diseases such as cancer and also conjure money.
Many businessmen, politicians and artistes have fallen victim to this man.
Read the full story here.
Friday, November 30, 2007
VIP Bomoh Conman
Posted by
The Great Test on 8:48 AM
Labels: news, Scams Exposed, Superstition and Paranormal
Labels: news, Scams Exposed, Superstition and Paranormal

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Cruise Ship For Sinners
Posted by
The Great Test on 11:35 AM
Labels: news, Nightlife, Sex and Dating, Transportation and Vehicles, Travel
Labels: news, Nightlife, Sex and Dating, Transportation and Vehicles, Travel

The cruise ship which operates from Penang port providing entertainment for 11 hours departing twice daily for an "Island Trip".
According to the report part of the entertainment on the ship involves gambling in the casino and prostitution. A 45 minute massage costs RM66. It is reported that the massage parlour is mended by four Thai women in their 20s who also offer sexual services in addition to the massage for between RM150 hingga RM200.
It is also rumoured that "strip shows" were held on certain night if not "sexy dance shows".
Pessangers can rent rooms on the ship for RM60 for the whole trip.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cheap Social Escort Services In KL

Big And Strong Penis Method
Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches fast and easy
Thicken your penis and have rock hard erections every time
Read this
Harian Metro has reported that there are girls in Kuala Lumpur providing cheap social escort services to men for movies and sightseeing. The service includes spending time with their customers in the hotel room engaging in ligh petting but excluding actual sex.
These girls apparently meet their customers through friends or through online social networking sites.
The Harian Metro reporter interviewed a 22 year old girl called Farah who claimed she got involved in this "profession" by accident. She charges RM100 for 12 hours - overnight stay with her customer at a hotel. In this particular case, from 8pm to 8am the next day.
She met the reporter at a the lobby of a hotel at Jalan Sultan Ismail. She wore a pair of jeans and a tight fitting T-Shirt.
Farah admits that she likes foreign films and expensive cars; he favorite cars include the Honda Civic Hybrid, the Audi Q7 and the BMW X5.
Big And Strong Penis Method
Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches fast and easy
Thicken your penis and have rock hard erections every time
Read this
Harian Metro has reported that there are girls in Kuala Lumpur providing cheap social escort services to men for movies and sightseeing. The service includes spending time with their customers in the hotel room engaging in ligh petting but excluding actual sex.
These girls apparently meet their customers through friends or through online social networking sites.
The Harian Metro reporter interviewed a 22 year old girl called Farah who claimed she got involved in this "profession" by accident. She charges RM100 for 12 hours - overnight stay with her customer at a hotel. In this particular case, from 8pm to 8am the next day.
She met the reporter at a the lobby of a hotel at Jalan Sultan Ismail. She wore a pair of jeans and a tight fitting T-Shirt.
Farah admits that she likes foreign films and expensive cars; he favorite cars include the Honda Civic Hybrid, the Audi Q7 and the BMW X5.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Transexual Beauty Queen

Thai transsexuals known in Thailand as “kathoey,” or the third gender, have slowly been leaving cabarets for mainstream success in music and other endeavours, helped in part by the popularity of beauty contests.
New Cult In Johor And Singapore
Harian Metro has reported that a man calling himself Ayahanda Gunung Ledang who has purportedly resurrected nine times from the dead is fast developing a cult following in Johor and Singapore.
Apart from curing diseases by bathing patients,Ayahanda Gunung Ledang also claims to be able to teleport himself to another location within seven seconds.
The article added that his teachings had attracted an increasing number of followers who met every Friday in Gunung Ledang to learn more about his powers.
Read the full story here.
Apart from curing diseases by bathing patients,Ayahanda Gunung Ledang also claims to be able to teleport himself to another location within seven seconds.
The article added that his teachings had attracted an increasing number of followers who met every Friday in Gunung Ledang to learn more about his powers.
Read the full story here.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dangerous Sucking Theraphy In Massage Parlour

He said he paid RM90 for the therapy, which included foot reflexology.
He has sought the assistance of MCA public services and complaints department head Datuk Michael Chong.
Read the full story here.
Bomoh Defeats Pontianak
Berita Harian has reported that a bomoh (traditional healer) in Batu Pahat claimed to have captured a pontianak (female vampire) that had been harassing a family in Kampung Parit Jalil, Parit Sulong for more than two weeks.
The bomoh, Mohd Razali Palil, 46, claimed that he managed to “defeat” the vampire two days ago. He released it after warning it never to bother the family again.
He added the vampire had been harassing the family from morning till night every day, and regularly revealed itself to the family members.
“I told it to return to its owner after I managed to subdue it by reading some scriptures said the bomoh.
“Such beings usually have an owner who is up to no good,” said Mohd Razali, who is better known to locals there as Wak Jah from Ladang Chaah, Segamat.
The bomoh, Mohd Razali Palil, 46, claimed that he managed to “defeat” the vampire two days ago. He released it after warning it never to bother the family again.
He added the vampire had been harassing the family from morning till night every day, and regularly revealed itself to the family members.
“I told it to return to its owner after I managed to subdue it by reading some scriptures said the bomoh.
“Such beings usually have an owner who is up to no good,” said Mohd Razali, who is better known to locals there as Wak Jah from Ladang Chaah, Segamat.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Malaysian University Ranked No. 1

I can imagine reading in the local newspapers - "Malaysian University ranked No. 1 in (a newly created local university / world ranking index)". Maybe this will be created in the very near future.
However, in the mean time, according to the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES)-Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings this year, no Malaysian universities have made it to the top 200 universities in the world. See Top Universities
UM - 246th spot this year
UM, which was ranked among the world's top 100 universities in 2004, was in 169th position in 2005 and 192nd spot in 2006.
UKM - 309 spot this year
UKM ranked 185th in 2005.
USM - 307th spot this year
USM was 8 in the 277th spot in 2006.
Read the full article in the NST here
It was usual for us to struggle to remain in the top 100. Now we are fighting to be within the top 200. Lets make things easy. Why not create our own university rankings ? That way, we can include criteria that other universities "cannot meet" (or don't bother to meet) thus come out tops - I'll leave this to your imagination...hahahaha
Well, we have already done this before. We have our own book of records - The Malaysian Book of Records and our own credit rating agency - Rating Agency Malaysia. Why not our own top university rankings ?
I propose it to be called, The Malaysian-Global University Rankings or The Malaysian Glocal University Rankings ?
I also propose that those who disgree with my suggestion be caught and forced to study (kite flying or top spinning) at a local university, for life. lol
Please post your comments. Tell me what you think ? please make it funny ;)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Run Casanova, Run
Posted by
The Great Test on 11:43 AM
Labels: news, Scams Exposed, Sex and Dating, Superstition and Paranormal
Labels: news, Scams Exposed, Sex and Dating, Superstition and Paranormal

It has been reported Harian Metro that a group of Casanovas has been preying on married women for their money by enticing them with sweet words of love and affection.
As usual, when the victim fell for the Casanova, he would tell her sob stories about failing businesses, marriages etc to gain the victim's sympathy and trust.
Once the woman is caught in the Casanova's bait, he would shamelessly ask the women for financial assistance. In most instances, the Casanova would succeed.
Some victims claim that the men also used sorcery or black magic to get them to part with their money.
A victim who's called Ani, in her 30s, claimed that she was pestered by a man when she attended a course. She then found herself attracted to him and gave him money whenever they met. When her husband found out, he quickly sought the help of a bomoh who told them that she had been affected by black magic used by the Casanova.
What do you think about this ?
As usual, when the victim fell for the Casanova, he would tell her sob stories about failing businesses, marriages etc to gain the victim's sympathy and trust.
Once the woman is caught in the Casanova's bait, he would shamelessly ask the women for financial assistance. In most instances, the Casanova would succeed.
Some victims claim that the men also used sorcery or black magic to get them to part with their money.
A victim who's called Ani, in her 30s, claimed that she was pestered by a man when she attended a course. She then found herself attracted to him and gave him money whenever they met. When her husband found out, he quickly sought the help of a bomoh who told them that she had been affected by black magic used by the Casanova.
What do you think about this ?
Teh Tarik Blues

There appears to be a trend among "mamak restaurants" to charge an additional 50 sen for a mug of teh tarik.
Whilst teh tarik in these shops are in marginally larger glasses (containing approximately 20% more tea), customers are charged RM1.50 for it.
I have noticed that the RM1 mug of teh tarik is no longer a choice - they are no longer served.
"Takda kecil punya, semua standard satu saiz", the mamak guy told me.
Previously the standard mug (medium) is RM1.20, now its RM1.50.
Can employees demand a pay hike from their bosses too ?
Comments please....
Forest Spirit Vs Bomoh

A bomoh fainted as she was possessed (possibly attacked) by a forest spirit at a forest near Taman Teja in Changlun, about 40km from Alor Star.
The bomoh, one of several whose help was sought to locate Nor Adilah Omar, who lived in the housing estate, was reported missing.
Apparently the spirit had warned the search party through the bomoh not to disturb the other spirits in the forest.
The bomoh regained consciousness just as the search party received news that Nor Adilah had been found in Gunung Keriang, some 50km away.
Read the full story in the Star
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Happy Deepavali

Wishing all my Hindu readers Happy Deepavali. To all others - have a nice holiday.
When you "taani" too much, don't drive.
Enjoy yourselves and be safe.
Get Rewarded By Being A Bad Employee
We all know that in Malaysia, just like anywhere else around the world, there are some employees who seem just useless or f*cked up, but yet they don't get fired. Some even get promoted, making it seem that being useless or f*cked up is actually being encouraged and rewarded by the company.
CareerBuilder.com gives 10 reasons why this is so:
1. The employee has a relationship with someone higher up - connections; those people with "ampu bodek" skills ("cable" or crony colloqually called in Malaysia).
2. The boss relies on the employee - he / she has some "special skills" or resource (whether work related or not) that the boss likes.
3. The employee brings more value to the company than he or she costs - again, he / she has some "special skills" or resource (whether work related or not) that is beneficial to the company.
4. The boss thinks it could be worse - the boss thinks that better the bad employee than nothing. This usually happen in my experience when the boss is not willing to pay market rate for top employees.
5. The boss is afraid of the employee - the employee might know some of the boss' or company's "secrets" thus can blackmail them, the employee is a thug and the boss is afraid of violent consequences etc
6. The boss feels sorry for the employee - the employee might be to sole bread winner of his family, he or his family members have health problems etc
7. The boss doesn't want to go through the hiring process - the boss is too busy or lazy to look for another employee. In some cases the boss himself have some personality defects that only this employee can tolerate. (this is related to number 4 above)
8. The employee knows something - the employee might have some connections with major customers, or have intimate information about an ongoing business of the company etc (this is related to number 1 and 4 above)
9. The employee has everybody fooled - the employee is good at playing "office politics" and is skillful at manipulating people and the work environment for his own benefit. He knows how to "play tai chi" or "main wayang kulit" (colloqually called in Malaysia).
10. He or she is not really a bad employee - the employee is only perceived as a bad employee. He / she is not a genius but is average and do perform tasks allocated to him /her.
Read the full article here.
I think whatever it is, you need some kind of advantage ("kelebihan") that the boss or the company has no choice but to keep you on the pay roll or even be forced to promote you.
The best "kelebihan" I can think of are having good connections, proficiency at office politics, being tolerant to an idiotic boss and being the cheapest (salary) in the job market (cheapskate bosses like this).
Please post your comments, what do you think ?
Free Language Lessons
Learning a new language is known to be the best way of getting acquainted with another culture. With globalisation, knowing an additional language will definitely give you a competitive advantage. Mango.com is offering free online language lessons online. There are 11 languages available (each with 100 lessons). The lessons are constructed with clear visuals, voice direction and verbal examples.
This site is perfect for Malaysians, its useful, convenient and its FREE. :) "Min Fai" "Percuma"
Go to Mango.com for free lessons.
Read also how to learn (but not master) any language in 1 hour.
Note: I was told the site does not teach swear words. But don't let that discourage you.
Getting Rid Of Telemarkers

Don't you hate receiving telemarketing calls at the most inconvenient times - they come in when you're busy at work (with crucial deadlines to meet), having dinner with friends, having sex or watching a good film etc.
Read this article for 10 ways to get rid of a telemarketer.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sex For Free

Pursuant to my previous post on Dr. Love of Singapore, I've decided to post something related as I think Dr. Love is over charging his customers - RM1,600 just to learn about sex.
The Malaysian Life in collaboration with Cosmopolitan Magazine presents: Sex Positions.
For more advanced readers, you can proceed to try more advanced techniques: Advanced Sex Positions.
Just remember, you can't learn everything all at once. Take your time. If you still need further assistance after reading these instructions, I'm sure there will be volunteers from readers of this blog.
So now from this blog, you can learn the basics (to advanced) sex positions, for free. Absolutely Free.
I'm just feeling a little generous at the end of the year. ;)
Comments please...
Sex Party In Penang

The police raided a gay sex party held in a shoplot in Penang last Sunday and arrested 34 men aged between 22 and 55 including a British guy.
The sex party was held in a fitness centre-cum-sauna which was on the 3rd floor of the shoplot.
Several tubes of lubrication gel, gay magazines, pornographic VCDs and a few boxes of condoms were also seized from the premises.
Read the full story in The Star.
I heard there are similar parties in KL for straight people as well - swinging. Apparently these private parties are held discreetly in hotels suites. The organisers charge participants a fee for the room, drinks and some food. Participants have to bring a partner. No partner, no entry.
Comments please....
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Malaysians Like It Doggy Style
According to a Malay Mail survey said that most Malaysian like it from behind - doggy style. This was the top sex position for KL folks. The paper wrote that 38% of guys prefer this position, whilst missionary is a close second (21%). Women on the other hand prefer the missionary position (32%).
84% of those surveyed said that sex is a stimulating and relaxing activity that benefits one's health. An average of 72% respondents said they were sexually active between 4 and 6 sessions in the last one month. The study also found that those between 18 and 28 indulge in sexual intercourse more often than those in the higher age bracket.
What do you think, guys ? what do you LIKE ?
84% of those surveyed said that sex is a stimulating and relaxing activity that benefits one's health. An average of 72% respondents said they were sexually active between 4 and 6 sessions in the last one month. The study also found that those between 18 and 28 indulge in sexual intercourse more often than those in the higher age bracket.
What do you think, guys ? what do you LIKE ?
How To Be A Real Man - Just Be A Cock
Posted by
The Great Test on 4:10 PM
Labels: Ideas and Opinions, Personal Development, Sex and Dating
Labels: Ideas and Opinions, Personal Development, Sex and Dating

A cock leads the chickens (not the other way around)
A cock stands straight, walks straight, thinks straight and is straight (not bent)
A cock likes chickens (not other cocks)
A cock talks cock (but dont sing songs)
Cocks that act like chickens are not cocks. Period.
So cocks and chickens, what do you think ?....comment please
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