"The Stone" is certainly getting more action than most of you guys. LOL.
Where do you think the girl learned how to do this ?
Comments please.
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is this Malaysian girl?
LOL..nice pose..
haahhaa... lol!!!
hv to becareful with this chick guys, she may be a bit too rough. hahaah..
Woah! My 'bro' will be most happy to be in her mouth! He! He! Nice pic! Have a nice day!
interesting picture... lol
Wah 18SX
Chengsun - I don't know if she is malaysian. Why ? are Malaysian girls any different ? :)
Yatz - You like it, I see. ;)
Angie - Not too rough for the statute. LOL
Hor ny Ang Moh - She will turn your bro into a rock. :)
stupigo - You excited already ? :)
keeyit - "Sam Kap" You meant the picture or the action ? ;)
now days girls also very horny...hehehe
wah...my type of girl man ! she must watch a lot of porno hahaha
I mean both =D
Anonymous - Are you a male or female ? LOL. Im just curious.
jt - Im sure you'll like that.
keeyit - Both also "sam kap" (3 star), ok.
Wakaka no words la wei..
wow! Seem the girl enjoy also?
Kesh - I know you wish you were the guy. LOL
Mark - You said it, man ! LOL
I think the girl didn't actually suck the stone man, it was the photographer playing with angle trick.
Chris Fam - You are damn honest and stole the fun, from this. Hahaha. Yes its either a camera trick or photoshopped.
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