[The tiger penis dish in Malaysia is cheaper, see Do you Eat Tiger ?. For bull's penis soup see Sex Soup.]
Read the full story in this BBC report.
For centuries ancient Asian cultures have believed (and still do) that the Tiger's penis has some magical properties that improves a man's stamina, just like Viagra does. Some even believe that consuming a tiger's penis will make a man's penis as large as a tiger's.
Other traditional uses for tiger body parts are:
whiskers - give protection from bullets, give user courage, and prevent toothache.
eyeballs - rolled into pills, prevent and treat epilepsy and convulstions
brains - mixed with oil and rubbed over body - cures laziness and acne
bones - mixed into wine, cures rheumatism
tail - rubbed on body, said to cure skin problems
heart - cooked and eaten, imparts strength, courage, and cunning
Guys and girls, please post your comments.
Good Lord! No way am I going to eat them, even if you pay me a million bucks. Totally gross. I believe that God made certain animals to be eaten and others to be wary of. I don't know how all those so-called symptoms can be cured using those body parts.
Will you eat them?
Hahahahaha! Hilarious! That's about the only way Food & Sex can come in as one Label. Hahahahaha! Awe man... tearing up laughing.
Seaqueen - won't eat them ? not even for a million dollars ? lots of people will, for free. There's this restaurant in Puchong which is packed with people on weekends.
The Reviewer - thats an accurate observation. :)
OMG ! this is disgusting ! how can anyone eat this ? yuck
So I guess this means that you love all these exotic food eh.
What other foods are you into besides that?
wah liao....
i'm still wondering how the heck they can abort a reindeer's foetus???
mmmm... i'm wondering if there a lot of tiger, reindeer, goat, pig, bear "tai kam" around. wait, i think they won't exist. most of them will be used as food liao.
for all you know, they are able to make fake chicken out of these exotic meats. (^ ^)
yulin - some people do. Hakkas and Koreans, mostly eat dogs ?
adrian - better bring a tiger's part as a talisman if you're going to sleep over at the National Museum tonight.
seaqueen - I've eaten mouse deer and bat curry (I think so). Quite delicious.
haha this means human are bored of the food in the world already. whats next? FRIED ALIEN? :)
cure laziness, i may consider..........
I have eaten bull's cock once accidentally ( I have not idea I am eating a bull's cock until it is in my stomach! ) but then it have not effect on me! Since normally I am pokeing like a bull so having that boost I am suppose to be pokeing like a gollilas! Have a nice day!
Angie - There's already synthetic shark's fin. Why not other synthetic exotic meat, eh ?
AdrianC - You might be right. People are just finding excuses to try something new.
Kenny Lee - You lazy ? Will Tongkat Ali help ?
Hor ny Ang Moh - Did it get you into severe trouble while poking ? LOL
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