The man in red's car langgar (hit) the man in pink's car. The man in pink approaches the man in red with a stick. A fight starts...
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A narrative on Malaysian life and other things
Although Sri Lanka has ended its 37-year civil war the in today's presidential election, fortune tellers and astrologers still play a large part in the countries' politics.
Apparently the decision to call the snap election, the exact date of voting and the emergence of opposition candidate Sarath Fonseka is the result of astrologers' advise.
Astrologers' forecasts are accepted as more reliable than the more conventional methods of gauging the poll results.
In this superstitious country many politicians have personal astrologers and all events are seen to be determined by the planets.
The national parliament has its sessions at times times dictated by astrology .
There was a case where former president, Ranasinghe Premadasa, even used air force helicopters to sprinkle blessed soil over key cities. He also used psychics to ward off an impeachment against him in 1991. However, his fortune tellers could didn't predict that he would be assassinated without warning in a suicide bombing in May 1993.
However the friendship was strained after a Buddhist monk and respected astrologer predicted that Sarath Fonseka was going through a "raaja yoga", which means a sign of "great things" usually seen in the astrological chart of a statesmen.
Rumours say that Mahinda Rajapakse's government saw Sarath Fonseka, who is regarded as a national hero after the war, as a threat, as he could successfully pull off a coup given his powerful celestial position and popularity.
Sarath Fonseka then quit as head of the armed forces in November and entered politics, saying that the government suspects him of mutiny and has moved to sideline him.
Mahinda Rajapakse decided to call the presidential election 2 years earlier before the end of his term relying on several astrological predictions saying that January 26 2010 is the most favourable date for him should the poll be held.
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According to China Press, a Singapore bar is offering free drinks to women if they take off their bra. But not all women's "breasts friend" are rewarded equally.
Singapore's OverEasy bar promotional “Fill My Cups” theme gives free drinks to women according to their bra cup sizes as follows:
For cases exceeding the scope of Medical Assistants at the clinics, patients will be referred to the nearest health clinics or government hospitals.
The 25 year old woman was being interviewed by Lim Peng Heng, the boss of an advertising agency, for the post of administrative clerk when he pulled her close and gave her a "birthday kiss" on the lips.
According to the news report, Lim Peng Heng apparently has a previous conviction for molestation for which he was jailed for 2 1/2 months in 1995.
Kiss also cannot ? For some girls, if you don't kiss them, they get angry. For other girls, if you kiss them, they will report you. One girl told me when she first met a guy on a date, the guy started licking her face like a puppy dog - so weird.
When girls talk about sex to guys, its ok - guys have to just listen and cannot complain. Not fair, right ?
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